Sunday, June 15, 2008

(June 4th - June 15th) 'Important Site News'


Update: 'Wealth Tuition' - New Site Nearly Ready & Apologies!
Dear Friends,

Well...Internet Web Mastering keeps you real busy!

I know I promised a new tutorial once a week but there's never enough time in a day and any web master knows you've got to make it pay. So... there will be regular free tips and tutorials, just as soon as I've cleared a bit more of the backlog.

As for the weekly tutorial, I've decided to add one once monthly on a temporary basis, as I wish to concentrate on getting the NEW site up and running for you. I mean...there will be many products for just $2 each and that's got to be a bargain!

I know that when I was just starting on the Internet I found many of the products rather expensive and information just doesn't come cheap...well not good information anyhow. But I got to thinking. Who are the people that need this information the most? Well of course it's those who wish to create wealth on the Internet isn't it? So...why would I wish to charge prices that people simply can't afford. Many of the information packages and software being released are simply out of the price range of the average novice. Well...if you want to purchase more than 1 or 2 items per year they are. another few days I'll update you on the release of the new-look $2 Web Site. Within the site there will be products of various prices. However, you'll discover a growing resource centre of great E-books and Software, many for just $2 and many also for free!

My intentions are not just to throw an array of various E-books at you and leave you to your own devices. You'll have the option of purchasing items on a single item by item basis, or as a collection, or you can purchase an annual subscription and receive unlimited downloads at no additional cost to yourself. Those who purchase the 50 Reseller package will not only receive a 1 year subscription free of charge but also gain access to my 'How To Create Wealth Online and Offline' resource area. This valuable Resource area will assist you to create wealth by teaching you time honoured principles in 'Wealth Creation' and this valuable 'Wealth Tuition' will serve as a major stepping stone to your future success.

SO...please bear with me whilst I complete the new 'Wealth Tuition' site. My apologies for the delayed price change for Package-101, which will be offered at the new price by Friday at the latest, dropping to just $49.95 for 50 Reseller Sites with Full Resellers Rights!

PPS: Remember...we are now at (Only 1 S), although you can still access us at the old URL
'Spreading The Wealth Blessing'
Wealth Corp Strategic Securities Limited
'Investments In Vision'
Brett Young
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