Monday, June 04, 2007

(June 3 - 4) 'Project-101 Update'

Dear Friends,

Just a quick update today.

Project-101 is coming along nicely, and will be finished soon. It won't take any of you anywhere near as long as this to Raise your Own Project. That's because, you'll be able to benefit from all of the Additional Features that I'm adding, to ensure there is actually a Project behind this and that it's not just another Boring Download Site, where you're left to your own devices!

There are many such Sites like this available already. I plan to go the Distance and Give you...

'More Bang For Your Buck!'

I'll add some more Shopping Specials later this for those.

In the meantime on with Project-101, and let's put some Cash in Every one's Pockets! Soon I'll reveal to you just How We Plan to tie Project-101 in with Fund Raising Projects from Around The World.

PS: I almost forgot the other GOOD NEWS that I was going to tell you. Those who get in fast...that is the first 101...will now receive an Incredible 64% Discount! The Price will still be $35 U.S This is because we have now raised the Full 'Gold Members' Official Launch Price to $97 U.S...up from $70 U.S

P.P.S: Be Quick. This is an Incredible Savings that won't last long!

Speak with You Soon!

'Spreading The Wealth Blessing'
Wealth Corp Strategic Securities Limited
'Investments In Vision'
Brett Young
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